Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

more drawings


General Effects of Higher Excitmetns

This is the piece I did for the book 'La Raccolta' that suplimented the show 'La Raccolta' in December 2008 at Plateau Gallery in Minneapolis. Apologies for the misspellings.


Making cabbage salad inspired me to draw the patterns that the cross sections of cabbage make. The drawings are ok but the real thing is fantabulous.

The Divided Self

This is a sketch of a project that is prematurely called "the divides self" a term stolen from William James. It's the beginning of a series of faces.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

rectangles for zeno

How many rectangles can you fit inside one rectangle?

an instance of death;

A brain tumor and a bright yellow dead bird were the seeds that began my book "an instance of death". While working at Cafe Patteen downtown Minneapolis I recieved the news that a relative needed intense surgery to remove her brain tumor. Shortly after, while on break I stumbled across a bright yellow dead bird splattered on the sidewalk. With it's little wings were spread out and bright orange beak poking out it somehow looked like the body of a bird who's spirit blessed it before shooting off into the heavens. One drawing of that bird led to multiple drawings which lead to trying to communicate why I was so infactuated with dead birds. I decided to look for the anwsers or explinations or paradoxes about death in our cultural traditions. I am still investigating this idea of death, as I have yet to find a solid definition, and never will, and could go on about what I believe and blah, blah, blah, but the book attempts to explain that on a level that my simple language never could.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I love to pretend I am Polish and that I know how to Polka. This man helped me pretend.