Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Unbearable Brightness of Weaving

The water slide of human experience is constantly sloshing me around, up, and down. Somewhere in the corkscrew of motion, the space in between clammy-handed anxiety and a Bachelorette-watching daze I find myself weaving, sewing, and snipping. The repetitive processes of weaving and stitching creates a net to rest in, but the moment I settle in and learn a process, i'm unraveling the net to create a new one. These weavings are from a process that began two years ago and foreshadow some of the sloshes and turns inspiring my current work. intensity diffusion peace passion spaciousness density

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mystical flavors, Bright reflections

Sudden jolts, mystical flavors, and constant motion have driven the tides of my vagabond life since returning from a pilgrimage through Spain one year ago. Attempts to sew and snip the bright colors i've been magnetized to have come in rushes, jumps, and skips. Heres to the fruits of an ultra fluxtastic year!